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Creating a New Deposit

Video Demonstration:

 multimediaEdit file

Step-by-Step Guide on Creating a New Deposit:

  1. Click “Accounting” in the Main Header Bar.
  2. Click the “Deposits” tab.
  3. Click “Create New Deposit”:
  4. The transactions in the list are all transactions since the last deposit.
    1. Tip: For ease in narrowing down the list of transactions, use the filters to the left of the transaction roster:
  5. To remove individual transactions, click the trash can to the left of the transaction:
  6. To restore a removed transaction, click the restore symbol to the left of the transaction:
  7. To view a summary, before finalizing the deposit, click the “View Summary” link below the “Create Deposit Button.”
  8. When you are done selecting the transactions and reviewing the deposit summary, click “Create Deposit”:
  9. A dialog will appear stating that the transaction was a success.
  10. To return to the Deposits Overview click “Back to Overview” at the top of the filters widget.
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