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Editing an Existing Household

Adding/Removing Households, Editing Profile, Adding Contact Information:

  1. Other Household Members.
  2. Household contact information (Phone, Email, Mailing)

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding a Member:

  1. On the selected family’s Household Overview page, click the “Add New Household Member” button:
  2. Fill in the member’s First Name, Last Name, and SSN.
  3. Click “OK.”
  4. You will be returned to the Household Overview page, viewing the new family member’s profile.
  5. From here you can edit the new member’s information.

Removing A Household Member:

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. On the selected family’s Household Overview page, click the “Remove Household Member” button.
  2. Click “Yes” to remove the household member permanently:

Editing Bio Information:

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. On the Household Overview page, select “Edit Profile” for the individual you would like to edit profile information. This action brings up the Bio Information page.
  2. Fill out each field as appropriate.
    Note: Be sure to fill out the Birthday field as this can affect the Rent Calculation.
  3. To add/update the tenant’s profile image, click the “Update Profile Image” link.
    1. A pop-up will prompt you to locate the desired photo.
  4. To remove the tenant’s profile image, select “Delete Profile Image.”
  5. When finished, click “Save” and the tenant’s information will be updated in the household overview.

Add Contact Information:

Contact information is located on the right side of the bio information on the individual’s household page.

  1. Click the “+” button next to the area you wish to add new contact info to.
  2. Mailing address.
    Note:  When creating a new phone number or email address a drop-down menu will be available for you to choose the nature of the new contact information.
  3. Ensure you “star” the primary contact piece if there is more than one listed in a section.
  4. Edit or Delete by selecting a link from this menu.


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