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Custom Attributes
Custom Attributes are designed to add any reportable piece of data you would like to see in your Doorways site. Custom Attributes can be used in a variety of different entities and can also be pulled in to reports.
Only Doorways Team Members Can Configure Custom Attributes
At this time, client’s/end users of Doorways are NOT able to add custom attributes. Please reach out to Support to have custom attributes added to your Doorways instance. Be sure to detail the entity, type, and values for your custom attribute(s).
Examples of Custom Attributes in Doorways
These are just some of the ways you can use Custom Attributes in Doorways:
1. Work Order: Signify that a tenant is responsible for the work order:
2. Work Order Material: Attach a material to a specific warehouse:
3. Inspection: Alert an inspector that a dog is on the premises:
4. Unit: Indicate when a unit was renovated:
5. Household: Use custom attributes to track cases, pets, or application status:
6. Landlord: Add a secondary phone number for the landlord of a non-inventory unit:
7. Member: Keep track of household members who owe the Housing Authority a debt: