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Changing User Roles and Role Permissions

This guide will explain how to change one of your user’s roles as well as how to change a role’s specific permissions to your needs. Remember only a Site Admin or Executive Director has the authorization to make these changes.

Changing User Roles

Navigate to the dropdown carrot (v) on the top right of the navigation bar. Select “Users” from the menu:

From the “Users” tab, you will see a list of current users, their respective emails, their active/inactive status, and their roles as a series of blue bubbles.

A. To remove a user role, click ‘X’ within the role that should be removed.

B. To add a user role, type the name of the role to be added and select it from the dropdown menu as shown below.

For a list of permissions associated with each role, see Default Roles in Doorways.

Changing the Permissions of a Role

From the ‘Role Management’ tab (A), you will see a list of user roles (B), their descriptions, and the ability to create a new role (C).  To change the permissions of a role, select a role (blue text) from the left side in column (B):

Within a selected role, you will have the ability to alter permissions for everything from Accounting to Waiting Lists. To give permission, check the box on the left side. To remove permission, uncheck the box on the left side. Once finished, you can navigate away from the Role Management tab. Changes to a role’s permission will automatically save from checking these boxes:

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