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Group History
After posting a letter or running a transaction, you have the opportunity to view those historical actions by clicking on the History tab from the Group Overview.
History Overview
A. Transaction History Section:
i. Date: Displays the date the documents were created.
ii. Program: Shows the program the members are associated with.
iii. Number of Transactions: Number of transactions posted in total.
B. Document History Section:
i. Date: Displays the date the documents were created.
ii. Number of Documents: Shows the number of documents created on the aforementioned date.
iii. Document Type: The name of the document generated.
iiii. Download: This allows you the ability to download all documents from one location.
A. Back to History List: Clicking here takes the user back to the History Overview.
B. Transaction Summary: Provides a summary of the transaction posting details, including the posted on date, number of entries, total amount, and description if applicable.
C. Print All: Allows the user to print all invoices at one time.
D. Household: Which household the transaction posted to.
E. Account: The account the transaction posted to.
F. Transaction Type: Type of transaction posted (i.e., charge, credit, or adjustment).
G. Amount: Amount of the transaction.
H. Print: Print an individual invoice for the transaction corresponding with the household
A. Back to History List: Clicking here takes the user back to the History Overview.
B. Document Summary: Provides a summary of the documents generated, including the generated on date, number of entries, template type, and who generated the document.
C. Print All: Allows the user to print all documents at one time.
D. Household: Which household the transaction posted to.
E. File: Name of the document generated.
F. Upload Date: Date the document was generated and added to the household documents tab.
G. Print: Print an individual copy of the document generated.