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Batch Payments (Payroll Deductions)

Batch Payments allow users to perform payroll deductions for multiple tenants through a fairly quick and easy process. Read below for information regarding the screens and items in the batch payments feature. For more information on creating lists and performing batch payments, see Posting a Batch Payment and/or Guide to Creating a New Batch Payment List.

Manage Batch Payments

From this screen you can add batch payment lists, delete previous lists, search/sort through the roster of lists, and delete:

A. Search: From this field, you can search for a specific Batch Payment list in this view.

B. Sort By Select: Clicking this dropdown offers options to sort the list of batch payments by “Name,” “Modified On,” or “Modified By.”

C. Create New Batch Payment List: Select this button if you wish to create a new list. For more information, see Guide to Creating a New Batch Payment List.

D. Batch Payment Name List: The Name of the Batch Payment. Clicking the name navigates you to the batch payment’s detail/history view.

E. Last Modified Date: This column shows the last date a change was made to the batch payment list. This includes adding households, editing their defaults/settings, or posting a batch payment.

F. Last Modified By: This column shows the name/email of the user who last edited or posted a batch payment for the group.

G. Number of Entries: The number of entries field refers to the number of households/tenants on the list the batch payment will apply to.

H. Latest Total: The total of the last batch payment posted for the list.

I. Delete Icon: Clicking this icon will remove the batch payment list, and cannot be undone. You will be prompted to confirm deletion if selected.

Batch Payment Detail

A. Back to Manage Batch Payments: Clicking this link will return you to the previous screen.

B. Batch Payment Details: This section includes the Name of the batch payment as well as the Description. Next to each is the option to edit, click the blue “edit”  link to open the editor view.

C. Current View: Clicking this link will take you to the current screen if navigated away. This view includes the ability to edit the household’s payment information and options for an upcoming batch payment.

D. History Link: Clicking this link will navigate the user to the history view of the batch payment group. Read below in the section titled “Batch Payment History” for more information.

E. Add Household: Click this button to run the search wizard that allows you to add households to the batch payment list.

F. Print Detail: Click this button to print the detail of the Batch Payment List.

G. Zero All Amounts: Clicking this button will return all amounts that have been auto-populated or manually populated to $0.00.

H. Post New Batch Payment: Clicking this button will run the finalizing steps for posting a new batch payment based upon the information entered in the Batch Payment List. See Posting a Batch Payment for more information.

I. Search: Search for a name, amount, or transaction type using the search function. Results will narrow as you type.

J. Sort By Selection: Clicking this dropdown offers options pertaining to how the list of households in the batch payment will be sorted. Options include Customized Order and by Household Name. For more information, see Sort By Customized Order/Household.

K. Number of Entries/Total Amount: This portion indicates the number of entries (including additional lines added to households) as well as the total amount, so you can easily reconcile against a check.

L. Drag & Drop Icon: Clicking this icon, and dragging will allow users to reorganize the list of households, this will place the list in the “Customized Order.” See Sort By: Customized Order/Household for more information on setting a customer order for the list of households.

M. Account Dropdown: Click this dropdown to open the list of accounts pertaining to the household, select an account from the list. This is a required field in order to post a batch payment.

N. Transaction Type Dropdown: Click this dropdown to select a payment transaction type. This is a required field in order to post a batch payment.

O. Payer First Name: A field offered to enter the Payer’s first name, this field is auto-populated with the head of household name.

P. Payer Last Name: A field offered to enter the Payer’s last name, this field is auto-populated with the head of household name.

Q. Payment Amount: Enter the payment amount. This amount will be saved for the next batch payment as well as having the ability to edit.

R. Household Name/Link: This link offers the Head of Household name, as well as a link to the specified households overview page. This is useful after posting a batch payment, in order to navigate to the households page to affirm the payment posted to their tenant ledger.

S. Add Payment Row Button: Clicking this button allows for a new row/second payment to be made for a household. The required fields will all have to be selected/entered for this extra payment as well.

T. Delete Payee Button: Click this button to remove the household/tenant from the list.

Batch Payment History

A. Sort By: Allows the user to sort their historical batch payments by Date (oldest to newest), Amount (highest to lowest), or Amount (lowest to highest).

B. Date: The date the batch payment was posted.

C. Number of Entries: The number of line items for the batch payments, including multiple payments to one household.

D. Total Amount: The total amount of the batch payment.

E. Payment Description: The default description of the batch payment group. Note: This is not the description you assign on the batch payment at the time of posting.

F. Deposit: The Deposit number if the batch payment is deposited altogether. This will show N/A if the batch payment is split out into different deposits.

G. Batch Payment: This is the batch payment itself, you can click on this line to be taken to the next view:

A. Back to History List: This button will bring you back to the list of all historical batch payments.

B. Batch Payment Summary: The summary box will tell you the posted date, the number of entries, the total amount of the batch amount, and the description of the batch payment.

C. Customized Order: From this dropdown, you can decide whether you want to drag and drop households in the order of your choice or if you want the list ordered by household (alphabetized by first name).

D. Print Batch Payment Detail: Provides a printable view of the information found on this page:

E. Print All Receipts: Prints all receipts, by household. This is a custom template and can be changed in the Report and Letter Templates portion of the application. Tag the new report as “Receipt.”

F. Create Deposit: This will create a single deposit with all transactions from this batch payment.

G. Household: Here, you will find the name of the head of household this batch payment is associated with.

H. Account: Name of the account the batch payment was posted to.

I. Transaction Type – The type of transaction (i.e., check, money order, cash, payroll deduction).

J. Payer Name: The individual whose name was listed on the payee line in the batch payment field, does not have to be the head of household. Note: The payment will show up in the Head of Household tenant ledger, regardless of payee name.

K. Amount: The amount of the transaction.

L. Voided: Whether or not the transaction was voided or not, if the transaction was voided, there will be an “X” in this column.

M. Print Receipt: This allows you to print a single receipt for that line item.

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