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Sort By: Customized Order/Household

Batch payments allows user to set a custom sort order for the households within a Batch Payment List. This order will be saved for future viewing of the Batch Payment List and Batch Payment History.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting a Sort Order:

1. Navigate to the Batch Payment List you wish to set an order for.

2. From the batch payment list, select the “Sort By” drop down:

3. Choose whether you want the list sorted by Household or Customized Order.

4. If the sort order is set to “Household” the list will sort alphabetically by household first name.

5. If “Customized Order” order is selected, three lines will appear next to each line. This is the “drag and drop” icon:

6. Click the “Drag and Drop” icon, and drag the row/household to the desired place in the list. This order will be saved.

7. Now, when navigating away, or to the batch payment history page the customized order will be saved for the specific Batch Payments list.

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