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Assigned Work Orders
Assignment List
When you first log in to the app, you will be greeted with a list of all the Work Orders assigned to you including Work Order number, Priority, Age, Household, Address, and Summary.
You can also use the search bar to hunt down a specific work order, searchable by household, address, summary, or work order number:
You can also filter the list of work orders by clicking the blue filtering icon to the left of the search bar.
Filtering options include work order age, priority level, status, and location.
Currently, we only allow users to see the Work Orders that assigned to them specifically. This is another reason that synching before going out into the field is important so that the most up-to-date changes are displayed:
Work Order Overview
When you open a work order that is assigned to you, you will be offered a quick detailed look at the summary and details on the specified work order. You will also have access to the work orders comments, photos, and costs.
Below is an example of the Work Order detail screen. The summary information includes the household name (if applicable), address, phone number, and a quick summary of the work order. Details include entry permission and work detail.
The bottom bar has three blue icons that open more information regarding the work order:
Access the comments view by clicking the “Comment” icon at the bottom left. From there, you can add:
When you open the comments section, you should be able to read the previous comments left on the work order as well as various details pertaining to each (User, date, time). If you see your own comment(s), you can edit or delete them using the delete and/or edit icon. You cannot edit other users comments:
To add a new comment, click the “Add New Comment” button at the bottom of the page.
You will then be given a text box to enter your new comment, click “Save” to add the comment to the work order, or “cancel” to abort the comment:
Photos and Camera
Access the work order’s photo and/or the camera to take new ones by clicking the middle “Camera” icon at the bottom of the screen. The app may ask for permission to use the ipad’s camera. If so, click “Allow” to continue and grant camera functions:
From there you can view all the photos associated with the specified work order. You can edit the name or remove the photo using the edit and delete icons.
To take a new photo using your iPad, click the “Take Photo” button at the bottom of the screen. This operates using the default iPad camera operations, click the white circle to take a photo, click Cancel to exit the camera:
Work Order Costs
Access the cost details section by clicking the dollar sign icon at the bottom right of the screen. From here you can also add new costs:
You can view an itemized list of Work Order charges, these details include charge type, billable to, description, date of work, hours/mileage/unit cost, total amount, created by, and created on.
You may also delete a charge by clicking the “delete” icon if the logged-in user has permission to delete/create.
Click “Add New Charge” to begin the process of adding a new charge to the specified work order:
Select the charge type first, click “Ok,” then continue entering the required information based upon the charge type.
Click “Save” to add the charge to the Work Order’s cost summary. Click “Cancel” to abort the charge:
During the last steps of the Work Order process (sending to review) you will have another chance to view the overall Cost Summary: