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Loan Tracking Overview

  1. Current Loans: A list of loans that the selected household is still making payments toward.
  2. Historical Loans: A list of loans the selected household has paid off.

Balance at a Glance. 

Access this page by clicking the loan name from the Loan Tracking Overview.

  1. Page Navigation: Each link will navigate to a new information page in the specified loan.
  2. Current Loan Summary: Summary includes – Monthly Payment Amount, Uncharged Principal, Interest Rate, and Projected pay-off Date. You can also make a loan payment using the “Make Payment” button.
  3. Loan Graph: Visual that relays the current principal balance and principal paid to date.

Amortization Schedule. 

  1. Date Filter: Clicking this drop-down offers a list of years, that when chosen filters the amortization schedule to the selected year. Includes the default option to view “All Years”.
  2. Amortization Schedule: A table detailing each periodic payment, and the principal balance on the specified loan.

Charge & Payment History. 

  1. Year Filter: Filter current, previous, or all loan years.
  2. Charges: A table detailing charges to the household’s account.
  3. Payments: A table detailing payments made by the household account.
  4. Closing Principal: A table detailing the closing principal at that given time.

Loan Terms and Settings. 

The Loan Terms and Settings page allows you to view the specific loan terms that were set upon the creation/activation of the loan.

To Stop a Loan/Make Loan Inactive:

  1. Click the “Stop Loan” button.
  2. The following confirmation message will appear;
  3. Click “Yes”.
  4. The loan will now be considered inactive and will appear in the Historical Loans section of the Loan Overview page.
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